Stay Ready To Win!

  • Gunfighting Inc. Courses

    Courses held on private land near Palmdale, California

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    Nature of Violence Presentation

    1 to 4 hour Presentation to Your Organization.

    Entertaining, dynamic, informative and inspirational presentation on the Nature of Violence and our individual role in recognizing it and mitigating its potential impact in our lives and on society. Audience members come away empowered and committed to take a proactive role in their own life. Call to discuss your specific needs: 661-816-5615

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    Private Training

    Arrange for a private course for your family or group

    Private training for groups of six or less is $1200 per day and covers everything except ammo, food and gun rental.  Private training allows you to taylor the topics covered to your needs and skill level.  Call to discuss your specific needs: 661-816-5615

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    Public Courses

    Open to anyone wanting to learn, practice and have fun

    Unless otherwise stipulated, these courses have no Prerequisite for attending other than the desire to learn. Please see list below of what equipment is necessary.

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    Law Enforcement Courses

    Open to active or retired LE personnel only

    These courses are presented in the context of LE SOP's. They are run at a pace requiring a solid foundation of safety and gun handling skill provided by prior LE training. In these courses I teach what I wish I had learned early on in my career.

  • Sign Up

    Have Fun and Be Dangerous!

  • Gunfighting Gear

    Fight Proven Products for the Prepared Warrior

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    Mobile Gear Store

    Check out the gear in our mobile gear store during your course. We have Knives, Belts, Holsters, Slings, Tactical Vests, Pouches, Bags and More!

    We can laser engrave your gear while you wait.

  • Gunfighting Inc. Team

    None of us is as smart as all of us

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    Dave Sauer


    Firearms and Tactics Instructor, knife maker, horseman and fulltime learner.

    Instructor Bio



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    Dallas Clements

    VP Marketing

    Dallas is a former Army Ranger with combat experience and current business owner and entrapreneur. His valuable and relevant industry knowledge and contacts help guide our philosophy and focus on tactics and equipment. And we needed a team member not namded Dave.

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    Dave Schofield

    VP Product Development

    Dave applies his years of experience in aerospace engeneering and analysis to the evaluation of market trends and the development of mission specific hardware solutions.

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    David Sauer

    VP Sales

    David develops relationships with our suppliers and procures the gear we sell in our mobile store.

  • About Gunfighting Inc.

    My name is DAVE SAUER and I started Gunfighting Inc. to provide my law enforcement brothers and sisters and interested civilians with progressive, real world firearms and tactics training. We also evaluate, procure and sell quality, mission specific gear that can be counted on to help get the job done.

    The goal of our courses is to increase student fighting competence and cofidence in a challenging yet friendly and safe atmosphere. We don't like to be made to feel stupid or embarassed when we go to training we spent money for, and we do not do that to others. We build our learner's confidence and work hard to help them leave more confident in their knowledge, skills and crisis decision making.

    34+ years of being a cop has given me a front row seat to the nature of violence and its aftermath. I know how fast the fight can happen and how it is almost never how one imagined it or planned for it. I know that when violence confronts you it will be YOUR problem to solve because the odds are there will be no one close enough to solve it for you. Although we take our responsibility to provide fight focused training very seriously, we have fun doing it. We run a variety of drills to increase speed, timing and efficiency, and we do a lot of shooting on steel for immediate accuracy feedback.

    We do NOT teach game based concepts designed to give one the edge of speed in competition. We teach what has been proven to be doable and successful under fight pressure and speed. I have spent more than four decades learning what works and what does not and my passion is passing those lessons on to others and fulfilling my mission of helping those we train Stay Ready to Win!

    I have completed many instructor level firearms courses from various presenters, including FBI Firearms Instructor School, FBI SWAT and FBI Sniper School, as well as instructor courses from LA Sheriff's, LAPD, SigArms, HK, Front Sight and Suarez International. One of my assignments with the LA Sheriff's Department was as a full time firearms instructor with the Weapons Training Unit, where I trained academy recruits as well as patrol deputies. I spent time on staff at Front Sight, Nevada. 99% of what I now teach I have learned since leaving those assignments. I was a Staff Instructor for Suarez International for several years. I trained with Gabe Suarez and credit him as a major influence in the evolution of my fighting philosophy and focus today.

    See my Instructor Bio page for full resume

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    Course Equipment Needs

    Course location is on private land near Palmdale unless listed otherwise. Directions provided upon registration. Range is close to freeway and has cell coverage (except Verizon).

    * Students provide their own guns and ammo and safety gear. Course ammo count is approximate. Bring more if you want to shoot more.

    * We have a limited number of guns and gear for rent. Call or text if needed: 661-816-5615

    * We do NOT sell or provide ammo.

    * Having quality equipment and making sure it fits will help ensure success and avoid safety issues.

    What to bring to a course

    All Courses:

    Bring your Lunch, Water, Sunscreen, Hat, Ear and Eye protection and Individual first-aid kit for minor cuts and scrapes. We recommend electronic earmuffs so you can hear range instructions without having to remove them. Howard Leight electronic ears cost about $45. Bring note taking material. A hat does more than keep the sun off your face. It also helps keep hot empty casings from getting between your glasses and eye.

    Pistol Courses:

    Modern handgun and at least three magazines. Backup gun and ammo (LE).

    Holster and magazine pouch. Kydex material recommended, but quality leather is fine. The important thing is the holster retain its shape when empty and allow the gun to be holstered without having to use your other hand to open the holster.

    Quality belt designed to support the weight of the pistol and mags (at least 1.25 inch width). Width of the belt and the size of the holster and mag pouch loops should match so that holster and pouch are tight on the belt and stay in position. Make sure pants have the size and quantity of belt loops suitable for the belt. This is especially important for ladies, as many women's pants do not have enough belt loops to support the belt without it slipping or sagging.

    Unless you are running the course from concealment, make sure you wear a shirt that can be tucked in and stays tucked in. Shirts coming untucked can interfere with holstering and creates a safety issue.

    Dump pouch recommended but optional.


    Rifle Courses:

    A ZEROED rifle and at least three magazines. Optics highly recommended, but iron sights OK. Check optics and mounts for proper torque prior to class. Proper torque means all screws are tightened to the same recommended torque spec. If you did not personally torque your screws or watch it be done, do it again. Do not assume they are correct or even tight. There are many stories, believe me.

    Quality rifle sling. Single, two or three point. Pros and cons to each, but you need a way of slinging the gun to free your hands.

    Dump pouch recommended but optional.

    Elbow and knee pads recommended.


    Magazine loader like this one.

    Rifle cleaning kit.

  • Connect With Us

    Email, Call, Text or Facebook for more info!

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